Property and Casualty ACORD Tools

eiConsole for Property & Casualty (P&C) vs General Integration Tools

Use this chart to see how your integration solution stacks up to the award-winning eiConsole for Insurance.

 eiConsole Non-Insurance Specific Tools (NIT) Impact
Ability to read in ACORD XSD and Metadata with a few mouse clicks.Unable to read ACORD MetaData file eliminating critical documentation necessary to map fields to the ACORD schema.Thousands of hours
Ability to read in the AL3 file definitions including associated documentation.Unable to read spreadsheets or documentation requiring manual re-keying of information.Thousands of hours
Ability to search the ACORD and AL3 description and definitions from within the eiConsole Integrated Development Environment (IDE).With Non-Insurance Specific Tools, you would have to leave the development environment to use other tools and then once the appropriate matching field is found, manually input the data.Thousands of hours
Templates for all of the ACORD transactions.Limited or no templates are available.Thousands of hours
Ability to import Source or Target XML formats as templates in the Data Mapper Component.Not available. The XSLT has to be manually created.Thousands of hours
Support for mapping to recursive elements.
For example, multiple Parties differentiated by Role.
NIT only allows one-to-one relationships between the source and target data, which is usually accomplished by connecting lines.Thousands of hours (in some cases this has caused the project to fail)
Availability of a growing library of pre-configured interfaces.Not available.Thousands of hours
Support from insurance industry experts.Usually not available.Hundreds of hours
Simple upgrade from one release of ACORD to another using the XSD/Metadata or XLS import feature.Since NIT can’t support the import of the MetaData, it also can’t support upgrades from one release to another.Hundreds of hours
Built-in support for P&C Codelists.NIT can’t read the MetaData file; therefore all of the Typecodes have to be input manually. There are thousands of them.Thousands of hours
Ability to extend and save the ACORD Schema by automating the ACORD prescribed approach.A manual process.Hundreds of hours
Ability to “slice” the ACORD schema to create subschemas for specific transactions.Unavailable from NIT. (ACORD recently licensed the eiConsole to use this feature).Hundreds of hours
Ability to transform the AL3 data to an XSD and reuse it.Typically not available. A manual process.Hundreds of hours
All output is non-proprietary W3C compliant (XML and XSLT) and can be maintained without the eiConsole.Data mapping typically uses proprietary languages and requires the use of the proprietary tools to maintain the interfaces.The cost of being “locked in” to a vendor
 General Capabilities
Infrastructure agnostic – Platform, operating system, database, communication protocol and application server independent.Often infrastructure dependent.Depends on infrastructure
Ability to import into Data Mapper any source and target formats. For example: XSD, XML, VSAM, DDL, ACORD, and AL3.Usually limited. Not available.Hundreds of hours
Ability to manage (find, filter, sort) all of the interfacesNot available.Hundreds/thousands of hours

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