EDI 846 Transaction

EDI 846 Inventory Inquiry/Advice


What is the EDI 846 Inventory Inquiry/Advice transaction set?

The EDI 846 Inventory Inquiry/Advice transaction set communicates inventory information between manufacturers, their suppliers, and resellers. It is used to communicate availability, quantities, location, inventory descriptions, overstocks and discounts, backorder information, etc. EDI 846 is most commonly used by suppliers to provide available and future inventory quantities. 

The item quantity information may trigger shipment of materials per an automatic replenishment agreement between trading partners. 

EDI X12 846 transaction example in PilotFish Data Mapper

Example of EDI 846 Transaction in PilotFish Data Mapper

For more on PilotFish’s EDI tools and resources, go to X12 EDI Data Mapping, X12 EDI Parsing, and X12 EDI Transaction Summary.

We invite you to take advantage of PilotFish’s eiConsole for X12 EDI by downloading a full, FREE 90-Day Trial Version of our software. Users can try out our new EDI Transformation Module and Format Builder. With the eiConsole X12 EDI Quick Start Tutorial, users can complete an end-to-end interface in less than 20 minutes and get a real sense of the ease-of-use of PilotFish’s Interface Engine solutions.

Product Note: The eiConsole may be purchased with X12 artifacts, or X12 artifacts may be licensed directly from X12.

X12, chartered by the American National Standards Institute for more than 35 years, develops and maintains EDI standards and XML schemas.

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