EDI TA1 Format Example

EDI TA1 Interchange Acknowledgment


What is EDI TA1 Interchange Acknowledgment?

The EDI TA1 Interchange Acknowledgment is used to verify the syntactical accuracy of the envelope segment of the X12 interchange. The TA1 will indicate that the file was received as well as indicate what if any errors existed within the envelope segments of received X12 files. The TA1 verifies the envelope only.

Encompassed in the TA1 are the interchange control number, interchange date and time, interchange acknowledgment code, and the interchange note code. Whether the EDI document does or does not contain an error, the interchange acknowledgment will contain the ISA, TA1, and IEA segments.

A = Interchange Accepted When the envelope of the EDI document does not contain an error, the TA1 segment will have an Interchange Acknowledgement Code of ‘A’ (Accept) followed by a three-digit code of ‘000’, which indicates that there were not any errors. 

E = Interchange Accepted with Errors

R = Rejected If the EDI document contains an error at the interchange level, such as in the Interchange Control Header (ISA) segment or the Interchange control trailer (IEA), then the TA1 segment will have an Interchange Acknowledgement Code of ‘R’ (Rejected) accompanied by specific error codes.

Trading Partners can elect when to generate the TA1: Always, On Error, or None. If None, no TA1 is generated regardless of content.

TA1 Error Codes

When the TA1 Status is A, the TA1 Code is 000. When the TA1 Status is either R or E, the TA1 Code attribute indicates the type of error that the module encountered. The following table lists the error codes and their meanings.


TA1 Code ValueDescription
001The Interchange Control Number in the header does not match the Interchange Control Number in the trailer.
002This standard as noted in the control standard identifiers not supported.
003This version of the controls is not supported.
004The segment terminator is invalid.
005Invalid Interchange ID qualifier for sender.
006Invalid Interchange Sender ID.
007Invalid Interchange ID qualifier for receiver.
008Invalid Interchange receiver ID.
009Unknown Interchange receiver ID.
010Invalid authorization information qualifier value.
011Invalid authorization information value.
012Invalid security information qualifier value.
013Invalid security information value.
014Invalid Interchange date value.
015Invalid Interchange time value.
016Invalid Interchange standards identifier value.
017Invalid Interchange standards identifier value.
018Invalid Interchange Control Number value.
019Invalid acknowledgment requested value.
020Invalid test indicator value.
021Invalid number of included groups value.
022Invalid control structure.
023Improper (premature) end of file (transmission).
024Invalid Interchange content (e.g., invalid GS Segment).
026Invalid Data Element Separator.
027Invalid component element separator.
028Invalid delivery date in deferred delivery request.
029Invalid delivery time in deferred delivery request.
030Invalid delivery time code in deferred delivery request.
031Invalid grade of service code.


CMS TA1 Interchange Codes

X12, chartered by the American National Standards Institute for more than 35 years, develops and maintains EDI standards and XML schemas.

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