Our Clients

PilotFish Clients Across Industries

PilotFish Integration Solutions: Empowering Clients
Across Industries

Since our inception in 2001, PilotFish has been at the forefront of delivering cutting-edge integration solutions to a diverse range of clients, from burgeoning startups to Fortune 500 corporations and government bodies. Our extensive experience across a multitude of industries enables us to offer innovative solutions that keep pace with market demands and technological advancements.


A Tradition of Excellence and Innovation

Our commitment to excellence is evident in the relationships we’ve nurtured and the projects we’ve spearheaded, consistently achieving outstanding results. Our integration solutions are tailored to meet each client’s specific needs, leveraging our broad network of industry and technology partnerships. This collaborative approach enhances the scope and effectiveness of our offerings, ensuring that we deliver optimal outcomes every time.

“Life Saver Platform!”

PilotFish Client Product Quote“Love the ease of use and the speed of which you can get your job done on this platform. It has taken every file type we have thrown at it and processed the files with ease. The training materials that they offer online alone are very well thought out and put together to make their clients successful. The in-person training was very insightful and set us up to be successful right out of the gates with using the software. We have been able to turn around clients on our end 10 times faster than in the past.” 


Senior Integration Specialist – Hospital & Health Care


Staying Ahead with Industry-Leading Solutions

In an era marked by rapid technological evolution and regulatory shifts, staying ahead is more critical than ever. Our ongoing investment in our products and services demonstrates PilotFish’s dedication to innovation. We respond to changes and anticipate them, bringing vital insights into customer demands and industry disruptions to each project.


“VAR on PilotFish Product Suite – simply amazing”

PilotFish Client Product Quote“As a software vendor (licensing PilotFish) servicing over 65 customers, having implemented numerous real time and batch interfaces, we have found eiPlatform to be fast, robust and extremely reliable. In fact, over the past 3 years we have not experienced a route failure that was due to eiPlatform. In combination with eiDashboard, we have enabled our first line support teams to effectively identify any operational issues experienced thereby providing our customers with rapid feedback and faster issue resolution. Amazing depth of functionality, ease of use, capability to test and review data sets at each step in the assembly line, speed with which interfaces can be built, tested and deployed.”


Executive Head, Development Support Services – Financial Services


Proven Impact Through Real-World Applications

Our case studies reveal how we’ve addressed complex integration challenges, transformed operational capabilities and driven efficiency for our clients. From streamlining data interchange in the insurance sector to enhancing connectivity in healthcare systems, our solutions are designed to scale and adapt to the evolving landscape of each industry. Please check out our Case Studies for an in-depth look at how we solve client challenges.

“delivery of ever higher value”

PilotFish Client Product Quote“Our business requires us to collect and aggregate significant volumes of data from an array of disparate systems.  Through the use of the PilotFish integration solution we are able to connect with a wider variety of external systems with faster implementations and less difficulty than before.  Our ongoing initiatives and use of PilotFish’s technologies is expanding the types of data that our products can capture and analyze leading to delivery of ever higher value.”


Director of Development – Performance Consultants


“allows us to eliminate significant human intervention”

PilotFish Client Product Quote“We are excited to partner with PilotFish for our Meaningful Use testing. Managing the attestation of our providers has posed a significant challenge. We have hundreds of hospitals and practices vying for our attention as they scramble to meet federally mandated deadlines. In these fiscally challenging times, our employees at DPH are overwhelmed with work. The eiTestBed allows us to eliminate significant human intervention while providing a higher level of service to our healthcare providers than would otherwise have been possible.”


CTO, Department of Public Health – Government


Recognition and Feedback That Speaks Volumes

Our efforts and commitment to service excellence have not gone unnoticed. Our reputation speaks for itself with a 5-star rating on Capterra and extensive positive feedback from our clients. Clients commend us for our innovative approach, exceptional service and ability to deliver projects on time and within budget.


Read what a few clients say about us and our products in their own words.


“low cost-of-entry in terms of training and ramp-up”

PilotFish Client Product Quote“We’ve used PilotFish’s eiConsole since 2012 to quickly develop end-to-end interfaces for our mobile medication management products. The winning combination of their easily-digestible training, simple yet powerful console user interface, and even a repository of existing interface templates (PIE) made PilotFish an easy decision when we needed to integrate an interface broker solution.“


Director Software Engineering – Software and Medical Equipment


“easy to learn”

PilotFish Client Product Quote“The software is easy to learn and allows our team of analysts to implement ETL jobs. The software is very versatile allowing for any file type or connection to data. Unlike some ETL tools you can build complete platforms to manage your data acquisition and delivery methods.”


Director of EDI – Employee Benefit Plans


“implementation times reduced by 75%”

PilotFish Client Product Quote“PilotFish was instrumental in achieving quick turnaround times (reduced by 75%) once the participating parties technically understood what was required in order for data to be exchanged between them. It was then a very quick and painless process constructing the various routes.”


Executive Head, Development Support Services – Global Integrator


“most user-friendly”

PilotFish Client Product Quote“We have been using the platform for years to extract clinical data from multiple EHR systems, normalizing values and populating a data warehouse. Our staff was easily trained and support is always a phone call away – although seldom used. This is the most user friendly and easy to use transformation software that produces comprehensive and precise results. Can’t really identify any negative issues.”


Director – Information Technology and Service


“Metric: interfacing time slashed 50%”

PilotFish Client Product Quote“In metrics, we are finding that by leveraging PilotFish solutions interfacing time has decreased by 50%. With PilotFish we can be more responsive and accommodating to our clients and deliver payloads that are accurate, an absolute necessity in healthcare data exchange. As a result, we consider PilotFish our best vendor of choice.”


Director of Business Applications Development – Canadian Lab


About Us

For over 23 years, PilotFish has been purely focused on providing products and services that enable the integration of Anything to Anything – Anywhere. It’s what we do; it’s all we do and our client base validates how good we are at it.

If you’re curious about the software features, free trial, or even a demo – we’re ready to answer any and all questions. Please call us at 860 632 9900 or click the button.

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