
RESTful-Based, Real-Time Operational Interface Reporting & Management Dashboard

PilotFish’s web UI delivers multi-dimensional operational insight for greatly reduced downtime and issue resolution on the fly. PilotFish has taken a radical new approach in designing its operational reporting eiDashboard. By utilizing the eiDashboard users can view interface activity, from high-level message orchestrations all the way down to discrete operations. Developers gain access to fix issues on the fly. Business users are provided with the kind of operational detail that enables them to troubleshoot and resolve issues at a greater speed, and far more efficiently than was previously possible.

eiDashboard users gain the ability to search, report and review any piece of data, from any message, at any time, in real time. eiDashboard benefits include:

  • Where other systems provide basic web-based log and status views, PilotFish provides a multi-dimensional view of interface activity
  • Capabilities from high-level message orchestrations to discrete operations are made available at every level of abstraction

PilotFish’s eiDashboard utilizes a RESTful-based API for all operational reporting and control capabilities. Other systems only allow such access through a proprietary user interface which makes bundling these systems with other software, equipment, or services much more difficult due to an inconsistent user experience. PilotFish’s eiDashboard REST-based API now makes it possible for solution providers to integrate eiDashboard features right within their own applications. It provides a very unique value-add to other applications.

Interface Reporting & Management Dashboard Overview

The Dashboard Overview page presents a hierarchical view of all your interfaces. Interfaces can be enabled and basic settings can be changed from this page. A performance overview chart shows memory usage information. The Active HTTP Listeners (adapters) panel shows available endpoints where data can be pushed into the interfaces.

Interface Reporting & Management Dashboard Configuration

The Configuration page allows for on-the-fly changes to the settings of interface components.

Interface Status Reporting Dashboard

The Interface Status page shows the health of the interfaces based on user-configurable health rules. An unhealthy condition can be triggered if the processing time exceeds an upper limit, if the volume drops below an expected minimum, or if a required external system goes offline.

Transaction Logs for Interface Monitoring in eiDashboard

The Transaction Logs page can be used to search for specific messages that have been processed and to view the contents of the message and its attributes as it progressed through every step of the interface.

Interface Security Configuration in eiDashboard

The Security Management functionality can be used to set up users with access limited to specific functionality and to specific interfaces.

The eiDashboard is also mobile-ready. Users can view all the eiDashboard screens on the go, on their smart devices.

Interface Reporting & Management on Mobile Device


Advanced Reporting Capabilities in Real-time or Near Real-time

Standard, custom and ad hoc reporting is provided by the eiDashboard. The eiPlatform captures transaction data at its most granular level as it traverses the stages that comprise end-to-end interfaces or process orchestrations and writes it to an H2 database. This data is available in real-time or near real-time to the eiDashboard through a RESTful API, documented in Swagger. The eiDashboard, using a relational database can produce various reports and graphs for Operational Monitoring, Business Activity Monitoring, Business Intelligence and additional integration with popular “Commercial Off the Shelf” (COTS) analytics platforms.

The eiDashboard is an add-on component to the eiPlatform Interface Engine. Learn more about the eiPlatform Interface Engine (Java Runtime) and the eiConsole (Interface Engine IDE).

Contact us to learn more about how you can bundle our solution with your application, device or equipment. Ask us about our Value Added Reseller program, too.

If you’re curious about the software features, free trial, or even a demo – we’re ready to answer any and all questions. Please call us at 860 632 9900 or click the button.

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