HL7 Identification Processor

HL7 Identification Processor Configuration

The HL7 Identification Processor scans HL7 MSH header segments in HL7 transactions and stores key values as transaction attributes.


Select EDI Identification Processor

Processor (Adapter) Configuration Drop-Down List


Select the HL7 Identification tab and click on Add Processor.

Add EDI Identification Processor

Click on Add Processor


Conditional Execution HL7 Identification Processor Configuration Options

On the Conditional Execution tab, you can set additional Processor execution conditions. The transaction data-dependent condition may be specified here as an enhanced expression. If this expression returns anything other than TRUE (ignore case) – this processor will be skipped. No additional configuration for this Processor is required.

Conditional Execution Option for EDI Identification

HL7 Identification Processor Conditional Execution Configuration Options


PilotFish’s HL7 Integration Solution software facilitates the interoperability of systems, trading partners, equipment and devices regardless of technology platform, standards and standards compliance, communications protocols or data formats. Learn more about processing HL7 transactions and HL7 Interface Solutions. Read our powerful HL7 Case Studies where we demonstrate our unparalleled success rate.

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